Books I've Read This Year
(Last update 11/27/98)
Currently Reading:
Books are listed in reverse chronological order
Life on the Screen,
by Sherry Turkle. I
expected a lot from this book after reading about Turkle's background in
magazine, and I was not disappointed. She is well-versed in depth psychology
and French postmodernism, and she has a ton of experience with computers
and the internet. She understands life on the internet, both experientially
and theoretically. The only problem I had with the book is that the amount
of content didn't seem to justify the length of the book. Instead of many
insights, Turkle presented only a few and then stretched out her treatment
of them.
Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life, by Daniel
C. Dennett. Despite the fact that I had expected merely
to have my existing views reaffirmed, I had been meaning to read for a
long time what Richard Dawkins called "a surpassingly brilliant book."
Finally on a visit to my father-in-law last year, he loaned me his copy
with his highest recommendation. After reading the book, I can report that
indeed my biases werecomfortably reinforced, and also that Dennett writes
with great style. My four favorite sections of the book are as follows:
(1) his argument against skyhooks (mind-first explanations of apparent
design) and for cranes (efficient, but mindless, motiveless mechanistic
processes behind design); (2) his defense of good reductionism as opposed
to greedy reductionism (3) his speculations on Stephen Gould's religious
yearnings and description of Gould's political biases; and (4) his argument
for the sentimental value of, and plea for the preservation of the traditions,
rituals, ceremonies, and symbols of religion, even though gods do not exist.
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John A. Johnson